“Legal World” in Heterotopy of Homelessness

Maria Mendel
Uniwersytet Gdański

The presentation refers to the research work conducted under the umbrella of European Commission project called “The Homelessness Agenda”. In the light of heterotopic perspective in which its subject is rooted, this presentation locates itself in the filed of ‘pedagogy of place’. Such place-conscious or place-based pedagogy means always pedagogy which is full of sensitivity about pre-scientific space, which is based on educational interruption of dialectical relationship between human-being and his world that never exists externally, behind of him.
The text is focused on the issue of homelessness as social institutional practices that are always ritual in their essential meaning regarding to the changes in the individual or the social subject.
One of the analytical categories taken into consideration in the research mentioned above is ‘Legal world’.
I will present selected parts of the analysis concentrating on the ritual processes which constitute the heterotopy of homelessness and create possibilities of change of this category in both individual and social dimensions.
The pedagogical work on rituals creating the heterotopy of homelessness could brake the vicious circle of social reproduction of privileges and marginalisations, and might significantly change current conditions of social life.

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